Thursday, March 17, 2011


MORNING PRAYER- O Lord, I thank you for all your daily blessings, for keeping me through the night, and providing for my health, strenth and comfort. May I always praise your holy name and love you, my Redeemer, in Jesus' name. Amen.

Psalm 50, Deuteronomy 9:23-10:5, Hebrews 4:1-11, John 3:16-21

This song just popped into my head, its there for a reason, so here are the lyrics:

"O Lord, our Lord,
How majestic is Your name
In all the earth.

O Lord, our Lord,
How majestic is Your name
In all the earth.

O Lord, we praise Your name.
O Lord, we magnify Your name.
Prince of peace, Mighty God,
O Lord God, Almighty."

I love that song. We sing it a lot at our church. I never noticed how beautiful it really was until I typed it out! Beautiful and true, are the lyrics in this song. How majestic is the name of God, the one who sent His one and Only son in order that we may be saved. For us, He did something like this.... now read the lyrics to that song again.

I have heard many different sides and arguments against Christianity, but the one which I have heard discussed most often concerns the appearance of Jesus. The fact that He was a human being has caused people who I have known for years to doubt the true majesty and knowledge of both Jesus and the Almighty God. I cannot speak for any of those people as to what their arguments or questions about this subject would be, but I can speak for myself concerning this matter. I only see this fact as being only another reason on the infinite list of reasons that I have to give my life to Him. God sent His only Son here in the body of a human being, however He was/is much much more than that. He was perfect in every single way. No human being is perfect. However, it's not His perfection that gives me over ten million reasons to thank Him, it is the fact that He was hated. As the amount of hatred shown, felt, and thought towards Him increased, so too, did His love. Even though there were people who were plotting His death everywhere He went, He wept for them. What kind of love is this? I could never even begin to understand the fullness of God, and I don't want to in this world. I know that He has things to show me when the time is right.

The first couple days of Lent seemed very easy for me, and things are still going great. Lately though, I am noticing more and more temptation, but everytime it happens it makes me smile. I'm not smiling because I have this all under control, I'm just smiling because I know that He has it all under control. And because He is disciplining me, also because I am in a place where I have never been before, surrounded by so many supportive and amazing friends, and I am LOVING IT!

EVENING PRAYER--  My Lord and my God, you see my heart; and my desiires are not hidden from you. I am encouraged and strengthened by your goodness to me today. I want to be yours and yours alone. O my God, my Sanctifier, hear me, help me, and show mercy to me for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.

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