Thursday, April 28, 2011

"Easter Season"

MORNING PRAYER- Eternal God, my Sovereign Lord, I acknowledge all I am, all I have is yours. I humbly thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me-- for creating me in your own image, for redeeming me by the death of your blessed Son, and for the assistance of the Holy Spirit, through Christ I pray, Amen.

Psalm 146, Ezekiel 37:1-14, Acts 3:11-26, John 15:12-27

I have enjoyed this lenten season more than anything, and God let me know in some many ways that it would not end with Easter, or even after Easter. I guess that's why I titled my blog, More Than a Season. I made it through without eating meat, and it was amazing the way that God filled those spaces with things from Him. It wasn't easy, but if it had been easy then I would have had to question my heart. So, I didn't give this blog that name, but God did. He knew I would want to continue this thing, and that it would continue my whole life. Love that about Him!

This week did not begin so well, I experienced really intense depression Monday and Tuesday and I really wasn't sure what was going on. Tuesday night I went to a board meeting at my church however, and just being in the presence of  God, and knowing that He was right there took that feeling away instantly. By the time I left the church it seemed as though my day was just starting. He restored me. As a matter of fact, He does it all the time. He does it when I don't ask Him to, and when I need Him to and I'm trying everything else but what I need. God shows Himself in everything. Even when it was storming outside, I was able to go out for a few minutes just to make sure I wasn't hearing the sirens, and the sky was absolutely beautiful. Now, I hate bad weather, I mean HATE it. It scares the living daylights out of me, but yesterday as I was standing outside and looking at all of the clouds, the vastness of our Savior's kingdom dawned on me a little bit. Feeling just how much He holds in His hands was almost too much for me to even think about. At the moment, I felt more peace than I have felt in a long time. I wasn't afraid anymore, and I went back inside and had the best nap in the world. Once again, He restored me.

He made heaven and earth,
      the sea, and everything in them.
      He keeps every promise forever.
 7 He gives justice to the oppressed
      and food to the hungry.
   The Lord frees the prisoners.
    8 The Lord opens the eyes of the blind.
   The Lord lifts up those who are weighed down.

- Psalm 146:6-9

In our times of trial, I am learning more and more each day that He is so near us. When I am walking to class and I feel so down and stressed out that I could crawl into bed and never come out to talk to anyone, He is the one who guides my steps and turns my eyes toward Him. I love Him and never want to be far from Him as long as I live.

EVENING PRAYER- O God, as darkness falls you renew your promise to reveal the light of your presence. May your Word be a lantern to my feet and a light unto my path that I may walk as a child of light and sing your praise throughout the world, in Jesus' name. Amen.

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